The Xen Powers

Mystic Mastery

The XEN, ten powers of Octopon’s might, Mystic masteries, born from spirit’s light. From centuries of human spirit drawn. Mystic forces formed ultimate might, Human hands created their light. Ten elements, universal and grand, To master all is fate’s own pen, To shape the future there and then. Though ten exist, in our world see, Only eight can magical be. Humans beware, these powers vast, Wielding XEN can never last. For in the shadows, a god does loom, Nurder haunts murder's ghast. Shortcuts taken, dead paths of dread, But heed this warning, for danger is near, his path of carnage on pages appear. Never a XEN possess, For dark shadow follows to soul distress. The Shadow God Nurder, a golem of night, Haunts the Xen as darkness does light.

Are you worthy of Mystik Xen? Take the Midknight test and then, Use your magic, find your might, Select (10) Xen powers from the orb’s bright light. Submit your spell, show your skill, but do not expose to over kill.
Order your spell from your strongest power From the orb in the photo his very hour.

Miss 4+ - Creature*
Miss 4 - Human
Miss 3/5 - Human Mid 'Mystik
Miss 2/4 - Creature High Mystik
Miss 1 - Fake Human* High Mystik
Miss- 0 Dirty Human Cheater

Mid/High Mystiks may qualify to join the Queen's Army (even human one's)

The MidKnights. 
*PLease note if you are a fake human or creature  the Royal Midknights may hunt you down and detain you for questioning or torture as  magical monsters and deserters to the crown are forbidden  in the human world. 

Though Xen exist in our world to see, only eight can magical be.